Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Breathwork to Support Digestion

Are you someone that eats really quickly or is always eating on the go? Maybe you eat when you’re stressed or you often end up eating between meetings or at your computer?

Breathwork is an amazing healing tool for getting ready to eat and putting our body in a place where it's able to digest. One of my favorite ways to use breathwork to support digestion is to use “four, seven, eight” breathing for digestion. This video will take you through a breathing exercise so you can try this practice for yourself!

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How to Create a Life That Feels Healing

In this post we look at giving ourselves permission to rest, why we have so much resistance to resting, and how it can actually feel really scary to just slow down. Rest doesn’t necessarily have to mean taking a day or week off but instead is something that we can simply build into small moments in our daily lives. I also share common beliefs that tend to hinder many of us from resting. This is one of the most important pillars of healing that I do in my work with my clients and a big way we start to create a life that feels healing, where our interventions can take root.

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The 3 Pillars of Autoimmune Health

I've been working with clients for YEARS to support their immune systems and live well with chronic illness and autoimmunity, and with every single person, we work through three pillars of autoimmune health to really support true healing. When we work with these three pillars it really gives us a framework and structure to work within that can be personalized to you and what your needs are. This post dives deeper into my 3 pillars of autoimmune health and the tools & knowledge you can use to support your body in both empowered and sustainable ways.

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Creating Habits That Stick

In this post, I dive deeper into habits: creating new habits and how to actually make them stick. I hear from so many people that they generally know what they should do, it’s just that they’re not doing it. This is not because you’re a failure but rather because behavior change is a skill that needs to be developed. If you’re feeling stuck putting things into practice and taking action, I’ll share more about how to uncover your personal blocks and how you can learn the skills and tools you need to successfully change and transform.

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