Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts in Autoimmune
Why Your Limiting Beliefs are Keeping You Stuck

I know living with a chronic disease (or let’s be real, just living) can be exhausting, and we're constantly trying to monitor, assess, test, diagnose and improve. It can be really easy to get stuck in these stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. We have the ability to choose the stories that we tell ourselves every single day and every single moment. We have the ability to stop thinking of ourselves as the victim, unworthy and unable to change, and starting thinking of ourselves as humans capable of healing and joy no matter where we are at right now. When you find yourself feeling like a victim and telling yourself the same story over and over again and it’s making you feel awful, take these 2 steps to let it go and reclaim your confidence instantly.

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Why Batch Cooking Will Change Your Life

We live in a world that’s set up to make feeding ourselves with nutrient dense food a total challenge.  We know we should eat more vegetables, less processed food and less sugar, but when we are busy and rushed we’re more likely to grab whatever is in front of us for ease and convenience. By devoting only four targeted hours per week towards meal prepping you will give yourself nourishing food for every single meal without giving it another thought. What a relief. I’ve laid out my entire process for you in my step by step batch cooking guide so you can simplify your life as well. 


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Why Our Current Healthcare System Isn't Enough

Our Western medical establishment typically defines alternative medicine as any practice that doesn’t come from evidence gathered using the scientific method.  And while I believe standards and regulations to be crucially important when creating guidelines to treat human beings, (do you want your surgeon doing anything other than the gold standard?) I do believe this labeling creates a very limited viewpoint.

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