Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment

1:1 Health + Nutrition Coaching

Work with me Live Well

You don't need to feel like this forever


It is possible to wake up and feel energized and excited about the day ahead of you. To be able to care for your kids and be there for your family. To have the stamina to enjoy a productive career you love.  To feel great in your body and confident about your food choices.  

The good news is that you do have options and it is possible to feel healthy and energized again no matter where you are at right now.  If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, my Live Well private coaching program is for you.

Have you ever left a doctor's appointment and been told that "nothing is wrong" or to come back when "things get worse" but you are still left feeling exhausted, in pain, not yourself? You know when you don't feel right. When you don't feel like yourself.  You feel like you can't be there for those in your life and are missing out on important moments because you are constantly running on empty and just getting by.  


You feel that no one understands what you are going through and aren't getting the answers you need.


I know what it's like to feel like you don't have the energy to do the things that everyone else does.  You know you should eat better or exercise more, but honestly you run out of steam just trying to get through the day!  Going for a run after work or preparing a nice, healthy meal, yeah that would help and it’s a nice idea but it's not gonna happen. It feels so out of reach. But you desperately want to make sure you are doing everything you can to make yourself feel better on a daily basis.

Or maybe you’ve read about how diet and lifestyle might influence your symptoms of autoimmune disease, gut issues or hormone imbalance, or you’ve tried a few restrictive diets already. You feel great while doing them, but when life starts to happen and you fall off the wagon or get away from this super restrictive way of eating all of your symptoms flood back and you are back at square one. You want something more sustainable. Something that can carry you through social events, family gatherings and travel.

There is so much conflicting information out there about diet and lifestyle and it can get so overwhelming!

I’ve designed my Programs to cut through all of the overwhelm and give you a clear plan of action.

Here’s what Chelsea had to say after going through my program: “I was a weary, confused patient with a year of racked up medical bills, and I thought long and hard about spending the money to work with a health and nutrition coach. If anyone is in that place now, I can tell you I am not exaggerating when I say that the investment I made in working with Christina was the best health-related investment I’ve made all year.  In fact, you could probably even take out the words ‘health-related.’” - Chelsea K.

If you’re excited about how great it would be to finally have a plan of action, improve your energy, take control of your chronic health issues and feel great in your body but are having thoughts like, “When the kids are a little older it will be possible for me to focus on my health” or “When things just calm down at my job I’ll be less tired” or some version of “When this happens I will….” stop right there.

These beliefs stop us from taking steps towards true healing and transformation and keep us stuck in the same old patterns over and over again. Chances are if you’re reading this your old patterns haven’t been giving you the results you want.

The good news is that we have the ability to begin to unwind these old patterns with gentle support, love and compassion. There will never be a “perfect” time to put yourself and your health first. There is always something. If you have made it here, now is the time and you really do deserve it. I want you to feel empowered and supported to finally take action because I know so deeply what is possible for you. If you’ve been feeling stuck, I’m here for you for support and guidance to cut through the overwhelm and get crystal clear on the next steps you need to take to move forward. I’ve been in the healthcare field for 12+ years and over this time have honed the skills, depth and expertise it takes to support you in truly finding your own unique path to health.


Over 4 months of working together I will help you:

  • Boost your energy levels and get rid of that 3pm slump to get you back to your active, vibrant life!

  • Finally take control of your health and understand root causes of imbalance in the body.

  • Improve digestion and gut health - the key to whole body health.

  • Incorporate healthy, whole foods into your diet in a way that works for you (and your picky kids, reluctant partner, and lack of kitchen confidence!)

  • Cut through all of the overwhelm and conflicting dietary information out there to figure out once and for all what food, herbs and supplements work for your unique body.

  • Tangibly reduce stress, begin to rewire your nervous system and implement effective stress management techniques to feel calm, grounded and resilient.

  • Identify and release limiting beliefs and patterns keeping you stuck and frustrated.

  • Feel empowered knowing you are doing all the right things on a daily basis to support your body with chronic health issues.

  • Create a care team to support you and your unique needs for the rest of your life.

1:1 Health & Nutrition Coaching

4-Month Health and nutrition coaching program

4 months is the ideal amount of time to make powerful changes. If you’re ready to take control of your health once and for all, this program is for you! What’s included:

  • 7 x private coaching sessions with Christina (50-minutes on Zoom or over the phone)

    These sessions combine Functional Nutrition Coaching, guidance in unwinding limiting beliefs and patterns keeping you stuck, and breath and somatic exercises to ground and nurture your nervous system.

  • Completion of a Functional Timeline - gathering and organizing your history from birth until present day to understand not just what symptoms you have but WHY you have them ($450 value included in your program).

  • Email support in between sessions. You have me as your guide and support system throughout the entire program to get you back to your beautiful, productive life not dominated by symptoms of disease.

  • Options for Functional Testing and review (GI testing, DUTCH test, etc.)

  • Recipe and meal planning guidance

  • 20% off any supplements through FullScript.

Investment: $1997 (or $525 per month)

Options for discounted ongoing support packages after the completion of your initial 4-month program.

If you are ready to explore a brand new way of living well, click the button below to book in a free 20-minute discovery session.  I’d love to hear more about you and your story!

Words From Clients

These are all testimonials from amazing clients who I have helped guide through the scope of holistic health coaching.

Ready to explore a new way of living well?

Let’s schedule a time to chat! I always offer free 20-minute discovery calls to connect, hear more about you and your story and create a plan of action specifically for you. Click the button below to schedule your complementary call today!