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Relieve Stress at Work with Audrey Sutton

© Blissful Soul

© Blissful Soul

Most of my clients are busy people.  They are raising families, working full-time, starting businesses, and caring for family members.  One thing they all have in common though, is the desire to improve their health and thrive (rather than juts survive) this one little life. 

That's why I need to give them tips and tricks on how to incorporate small, gradual shifts into their everyday lives for to set them up for success.  Often times people think it's "all or nothing."  That you have to be eating strictly Paleo and slogging it out at the gym every day to be "healthy" or "perfect."  

Really though, sustainable change is made when when stick to small but powerful daily practices. I swear! This can be simply drinking more water, eating more greens, remembering to breathe, and going on a lunch time walk. 

Sure, it would be great to all quit our jobs and move to Bali and subsist on fresh coconut and smoothie bowls and do yoga every day but for right, now, that's not everyone's reality.  SO, we do what we can to create space in our bodies and minds especially if we sit for a living.

The most inspired yoga teacher and soul-seeker I know, Audrey Sutton of Your Blissful Soul , has shared a video on chair yoga poses you can do at work, on a plane or anywhere you're sitting down. It sounds totally old lady  (think Sit and Be Fit but way more hip) but it's so awesome, and is an easy and practical way to move your body, reduce head to toe tension, and relieve stress in your every day life.

Let us know if you try it out at work by leaving a comment or emailing! Also, I love Audrey's Saturday morning class at Bala Yoga in Seattle, see ya there?


Audrey Sutton is a Bliss Coach and author who writes about how to be whole, passionate, free, and live the life of your dreams. She teaches Power Vinyasa, Yin and Meditation classes, and she has created and hosted a wide range of workshops, retreats, yoga teacher trainings, and online videos that help people live more fulfilled, blissful and abundant lives. As a yoga teacher and bliss coach, she helps her students release the Kung-fu grip of their inner critic, connect to their True Self, discover their Dharma, and create their personal legacy.

© Blissful Soul

© Blissful Soul

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