Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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The Real Food Reset Package! [Your Holiday Survival Guide]

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It’s that magical time of year when there are brownies, cookies, wine, sugary sweets (and even weird, stale candy fruit bread that is totally gross but you eat anyway) popping up everywhere at work, home and school. It’s fun and festive at first, and you mostly stick to your routines, but then you get that gross feeling, after your fourth holiday party where you feel bloated, exhausted and sick of eating and drinking things that make you feel awful.

The thing is though, you are far too fabulous to sit at home and say no to every holiday party to eat only kale and broccoli on the couch for the next few months. And the New Year is too far away to keep feeling this bad. So… what do you do?

The 5-Day Real Food Reset Package

I’m really excited to announce that just for the holiday season, I’m offering my Real Food Reset Package to help you get through with joy, grace and ease! This program includes:

  • A private 60-minute coaching session with me to get clear on your biggest health concerns and goals for the season. If you are always “black and white” about food and health and feel like you are constantly “on the wagon or off the wagon” without any in between, this session will help navigate the grey area that is life and create a plan of action specifically for you. *All sessions are conducted over the phone so you can participate from anywhere in the world!* (Value $125)

  • A customized 5-Day Real Food Reset Meal Plan you can whip out anytime you start to feel that holiday blah.  It’s a potent and powerful reset button that you can squeeze into any timeline during the holidays that works for you. It’s a gentle, real food cleanse meaning you don’t have to deprive yourself, drink juice all day (which may not be what your body is calling for) or eat astronaut food. All recipes are:

    • Gluten-free

    • Dairy-free

    • AIP compliant

    • Extremely delicious

  • The Healthy Holiday Guide - 5 ways to eat well and enjoy yourself this holiday season. This is your pocket guide to feeling good this year without any of the confusion or guilt.

If you are feeling fatigued, experiencing digestive issues and are worried about falling into the trap of weight gain and exhaustion this holiday season this Real Food Reset Package is perfect for you!

You will leave this session with:

  • A personalized game-plan to navigate the holiday season with ease

  • A customized meal plan with super simple recipes you can whip out anytime you need a powerful reset during the next few months

  • Tips and tricks for how to care for and nurture yourself during this season

  • Complete confidence that you are doing the right things for your unique body (and not what you read on the latest blog!)

I’ve packaged up this special offer for you as an early holiday gift! I’m a firm believer that this time of year does not need to mean more fatigue, poor digestion, weight gain and worsening symptoms and I’m passionate about helping you find a happy, healthy balance.

Investment: $95 for this special holiday offer (Value $175)

Click the button below to schedule your session so you're armed with all the best tips and tricks to feel fabulous through the holidays!

Here’s what people are saying about the Real Food Reset:

I feel like I’ve completely reset my nutritional sense after our session.  I can’t wait to try the recipes!  Honestly, this is just what I needed to get on track before the New Year and I’m so glad I didn’t wait until I was feeling worse to check in. Thank you! - Mary

The Real Food Reset Package is only on offer through the end of December, so book in now to grab your spot! These sessions make fantastic gifts as well and are a great way to tell someone you really love their guts! ;) If you’d like to give this as a gift, use this link here to generate a gift certificate and have the recipient contact to set up their session at a time that works for them!

I can’t wait to connect with you and help guide you through your best holiday season yet.

In Health,

Christina Tidwell, MN, RN, CHC