Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts in Autoimmune Disease
The 5 Components of my Flare-Up Toolkit

When it comes to autoimmune disease, I believe we should focus on progress, not perfection. Although we’d rather be symptom-free, flare-ups happen. Having a “Flare-Up Tool Kit” in place anytime symptoms come up can help guide you through without falling into overwhelm. Tune into this video to learn the 5 components of my flare-up toolkit!

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Cultivating Resilience

Do you feel like everything you eat affects you negatively or causes symptoms? Do you feel stressed out and easily irritated? Do you feel like if you stay out late once or veer off of your healthy plan, you pay for it for a week?

If so, you might feel like your body lacks resilience, or the strong baseline it needs to make it through the day. Whenever we think of cultivating resilience we usually think of someone being resilient or strong in spirit. Resilience, however, can also be seen as a physiological trait. A basic definition of resilience is the ability to accommodate change. This post explores resilience and how we can begin to cultivate resilience physiologically.

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Heal vs. Ideal

This post shares how we have to go through the "heal" to get to the "ideal." If we feel like "heal" is where we are going to be forever and we don't like it, we bust through it and don't spend enough time there in order to allow our tissues, immune systems, and selves time to truly heal in the way that’s needed. I hope this concept of "heal vs. ideal" will help put the health choices we make into perspective.

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Why it's not possible to "fix" another person

Someone said to me recently, “I’ve found so much relief and joy from learning how to take care of myself, using food as fuel and living in an intentional way. I feel frustrated, though, that my husband and family aren’t on the same page. What should I do?” I have since learned through life experience and working with hundreds of clients that, actually, you cannot fix another person outside of yourself. 

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