Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged whole foods
Gluten-Free Seed Bread [Recipe]

The nuts and seeds in this gluten-free bread provide great vitamins and nutrients combined with fiber to support a healthy digestive system so it’s a real upgrade from a piece of bread high in refined carbohydrates. It’s all held together without flour with the magic of psyllium seed husks! Psyllium seed husks contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and soothes the digestive tract with its mucilaginous properties, while the insoluble fiber acts like a broom to sweep the the colon. My family loves this bread and I make a loaf every 1-2 weeks to have on hand! I really hope you enjoy it!

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Mindful Eating

One thing I hear a lot from clients is that they know they should eat more veggies, drink more water and avoid overly fried sugary foods but for some reason they just can’t seem to stick with it.  They have good intentions but cave when a sugar craving hits at 3:00pm or they get a surge of hunger after restricting calories all day, or they overeat after a particularly stressful day at work.  Becoming mindful around how we eat and the food we put into our bodies is the missing link here that doesn’t get a lot of mainstream attention.

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My Favorite Books on Nutrition

I’ve recently been getting a lot of people asking for my favorite books and resources on health and nutrition.  I want to emphasize that they are thousands of books out there on health and nutrition, and they all have a different focus and take on what we should eat.  It can be overwhelming when we read something one day that tells us all carbohydrates should be avoided and the next read a book about the critical importance of whole grains in the diet.

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