Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged holistic nutrition
The 3 Pillars of Autoimmune Health

I've been working with clients for YEARS to support their immune systems and live well with chronic illness and autoimmunity, and with every single person, we work through three pillars of autoimmune health to really support true healing. When we work with these three pillars it really gives us a framework and structure to work within that can be personalized to you and what your needs are. This post dives deeper into my 3 pillars of autoimmune health and the tools & knowledge you can use to support your body in both empowered and sustainable ways.

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Your Functional Timeline and the ATMs of Health

When dealing with chronic illness, it’s important to investigate the “root cause” of what’s going on in the body. Often times treatments for autoimmune disease involve medications or interventions to manage or suppress symptoms, but they don’t always dig down to the root to see what’s going on at a deeper level. When we’re working in functional medicine and looking at things through a functional nutrition or functional medicine lens, it really is all about identifying the root cause of disease and understanding how your personal history influences disease expression. The most important tool in the functional medicine toolkit is the functional timeline. This tool allows us to put our presenting illness or symptoms in context with our entire life, and helps to identify the roots of illness to move towards resolution. In this post, we’ll look at the functional timeline and the ATMs, or the antecedents, triggers, and mediators of health!

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Gluten-Free Seed Bread [Recipe]

The nuts and seeds in this gluten-free bread provide great vitamins and nutrients combined with fiber to support a healthy digestive system so it’s a real upgrade from a piece of bread high in refined carbohydrates. It’s all held together without flour with the magic of psyllium seed husks! Psyllium seed husks contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber dissolves in water and soothes the digestive tract with its mucilaginous properties, while the insoluble fiber acts like a broom to sweep the the colon. My family loves this bread and I make a loaf every 1-2 weeks to have on hand! I really hope you enjoy it!

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Why Our Current Healthcare System Isn't Enough

Our Western medical establishment typically defines alternative medicine as any practice that doesn’t come from evidence gathered using the scientific method.  And while I believe standards and regulations to be crucially important when creating guidelines to treat human beings, (do you want your surgeon doing anything other than the gold standard?) I do believe this labeling creates a very limited viewpoint.

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