Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged holistic
Pep Talk for Having a Bad Symptom Day

On any healing journey, there are going to be ups and downs. Although they never feel good, symptoms, bad days, and flare ups are to be expected. I want you to have this pep talk in your back pocket so that anytime you're having a bad symptom day or experiencing a flare up, you can pull it out, give it a listen, know that you're supported, and remember that this too shall pass.

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Connecting to Your Why

Having a hard time making behavior changes that stick? The first step is connecting to your big WHY. So often when we start going down the path of changing our diet, our behaviors, or bringing in lifestyle interventions, we get caught up in the "doing" part. But really, one of the most important pieces in creating lasting habits and behavior changes is understanding why you're even doing these things in the first place.

In this post, we’ll go deeper into connecting to your why and how this allows you to look beyond just the external factors to make sustainable and aligned changes.

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Why Our Current Healthcare System Isn't Enough

Our Western medical establishment typically defines alternative medicine as any practice that doesn’t come from evidence gathered using the scientific method.  And while I believe standards and regulations to be crucially important when creating guidelines to treat human beings, (do you want your surgeon doing anything other than the gold standard?) I do believe this labeling creates a very limited viewpoint.

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