Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged nutrition
Medicinal Uses of Mushrooms with Jeff Chilton

Jeff Chilton is one of the original people who brought medicinal mushrooms to the US market and is a trailblazer in the field. He is a wealth of knowledge and his passion about the medicinal and and nutritional benefits of mushrooms is so contagious! In this episode you’ll learn everything you need to know about the nutritional benefits and medicinal uses. We'll also discuss things you should think about when you're choosing a mushroom supplement or adding them to your cooking or recipes.

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Your Functional Timeline and the ATMs of Health

When dealing with chronic illness, it’s important to investigate the “root cause” of what’s going on in the body. Often times treatments for autoimmune disease involve medications or interventions to manage or suppress symptoms, but they don’t always dig down to the root to see what’s going on at a deeper level. When we’re working in functional medicine and looking at things through a functional nutrition or functional medicine lens, it really is all about identifying the root cause of disease and understanding how your personal history influences disease expression. The most important tool in the functional medicine toolkit is the functional timeline. This tool allows us to put our presenting illness or symptoms in context with our entire life, and helps to identify the roots of illness to move towards resolution. In this post, we’ll look at the functional timeline and the ATMs, or the antecedents, triggers, and mediators of health!

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Easy Batch Cooking and the Basic 8 with Kelsey Cohrt

I’m so excited to have Kelsey Cohrt joining me on this episode of the podcast where we will be discussing how to effectively meal prep. Kelsey is the creator of Northwest Health Coaching which helps teach busy people how to get healthier food into their belly and incorporate healthy eating habits so they start feeling good. We talk about how you can feed yourself, and of course, prepare meals in a straightforward manner. Kelsey also shares her own food experience, the challenges, and her wins while on this journey.

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Tools to Help You Support your immune sysem

If you've been experiencing stress and uncertainty recently around everything that's happening with COVID-19, I don't want you to feel like you have to go through it alone. I've been working with clients and teaching this information for many years, and I feel very called to take the knowledge that I have to guide you and give you the tools to help you feel empowered and supported!

We’re all in this together, and while it might feel like life is really up in the air and very challenging, there are some practical tips to help you navigate through these times and some steps that we can all take to support our bodies, our immune systems, and our mental & emotional health.

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