Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged Calm
Can I still heal if I don’t have a diagnosis?

Having a diagnosis can be really helpful especially in our current medical system and definitely worth pursuing because it allows us to get the right medications, insurance reimbursement, and have a clear plan of action and path to healing. But, a diagnosis is not everything and waiting for a formal diagnosis to do anything about our health can stop us from what’s available to us right now. So what happens when we don’t fit into this disease category, but we still don’t feel great? It may seem as though there is nothing we can do, but actually there are many, many tools in the toolkit to support the body at this pivotal time! This is the area that I love to work in, and the area that gets missed so often in our health care system.

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