Live well with Christina
Helping those with autoimmune disease take control of their health through diet, lifestyle shifts and personal empowerment


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Posts tagged healthcare
My Daily Healthcare Routines

I share a lot about my experience with chronic illness, but it’s been some time since I’ve shared what I do for my health on a daily basis! In this post, I’m sharing the things that I do daily to help keep myself healthy - physically, mentally, and emotionally. These are some of my favorite healthcare routines that have stuck with me over the years. Read on to get a glimpse of what my day looks like, from meditation to nutrition, and what I do to wind down in the evening.

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Why Our Current Healthcare System Isn't Enough

Our Western medical establishment typically defines alternative medicine as any practice that doesn’t come from evidence gathered using the scientific method.  And while I believe standards and regulations to be crucially important when creating guidelines to treat human beings, (do you want your surgeon doing anything other than the gold standard?) I do believe this labeling creates a very limited viewpoint.

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